
  • Recquirements definition

  • Total life cycle cost analysis

  • Clear set of solutions is recommended

Requirements Definition

Collecting data on the current situation and translating this into a scope definition. Data can consist of process diagrams, pump curves, maintenance history, power consumption, pressure and flow measurements. These data-points are all gathered during workshops. After the workshop a planning is constructed.

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Total life cycle cost analysis

Total life cycle cost is the most important factor when selecting a slurry pump. Vaikon provides a detailed study of the LLC for new pumps and optimises all costs for existing applications.


Recommend solutions

Practical and tangible solutions are defined and discussed with the custerm. Solutions can come in form of products or services.

Products can be sourced from Schegler or from other suppliers. Vaikon commits to the optimal technical and commercial product selection.

Services can consist out of installation, commissioning, condition monitoring and technical service.

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